
 1. Introduction

1.1. Computers of different shapes
1.2. Microprocessors
1.3. A computer in a die
1.4. MiniOS target hardware platform
1.5. Development Environment
1.6. Installing Atmel Studio
1.7. Hello World


2. Instruction Set Architecture

2.1. ARMCortex-M4ISA
2.2. Registers
2.3. AssemblyLanguage
2.4. WorkingwithARM’sdocumentation
2.5. Loopsandconditionalsinassembly
2.6. Immediatevalues
2.7. Moving 32-bit immediate values to registers


3. Memory

3.1. MemoryOrganization
3.2. MemorySegmentation
3.3 Linker
3.4 LinkerScripts
3.5 Variables
3.6 DatainRAM
3.7 DataLoader